Symptoms may include:
- any loss of consciousness
- dizziness and nausea
- blurred vision
- vomiting within a few hours after a head injury
- persistent significant headache
- onset of seizures.
The patient may:
- be dazed and confused
- have a loss of memory
- show altered or abnormal responses to commands
- have poor balance
- drowsiness
- have wounds to the scalp or face.
[st_box title=”INFO” type=”warning”]Any individual who has suffered unconsciousness or an altered state of consciousness (persisting for more than 1–2 minutes) should be seen by a first aider or paramedic and kept in a position of rest. Such victims, particularly in respect to the sporting context, should not return to the field of play on that day. The individual who has had a sports concussion should be checked by a qualified health professional to determine a plan for returning to the sport. If there is any worsening of symptoms or no improvement within 10 minutes, then seek immediate medical attention.[/st_box]