
Misunderstandings and arguments are pretty common in the playground. Kids are still developing social skills and learning how to communicate with others.


There are different forms of child abuse. These include neglect, sexual, physical and emotional abuse.


Cyberbullying is the use of technology to bully a person or group with the intent to hurt them socially, psychologically or even physically.


It’s a fact. If you and your home are well prepared, you stand a better chance of surviving a bushfire.


They’re counting on you

50 children are killed or seriously injured in driveways across Australia every year.


Mental health is about the way a child thinks and feels about themselves and their world. It’s about how they handle their everyday lives, including making and keeping friends, keeping up with school work and getting along with family members.


9 out of 10 people who drowned while boating in NSW were not wearing a lifejacket.

Every year, around 350 Australian Children die from unintentional injuries.


Unintentional injuries account for about 88% of all injury related deaths in children and about 97% of all injury related hospitalisations.

450,000 copies of the Child Safety Handbook have been distributed to primary schools all over NSW for teachers to give to 6-7 year olds to take home to their parents.

The ‘Child Safety Handbook’ was officially launched in 2011 at Government House. A much needed and vital guide to assist children, parents and teachers, the Handbook covers the entire extent of potential hazards that young children face. The Handbook offers advice and facts on everyday activities, cyber safety, bullying, crossing roads etc. to the more unusual incidents such as such as floods and fires and even goes into details on the effects of smoking, caffeine and drugs.  Read the handbook.