Outdoor Safety
Bushwalking and Hiking
As with any type of safety measures, bushwalking and hiking safety can be maintained through simple, commonsense measures. No one should go bushwalking without the proper supplies, knowledge and experience. This applies especially for children. Parents should not allow their children to be taken, or take their children into areas they are unfamiliar with, particularly if those areas require special skills, such as first aid, navigation and bush survival. For an enjoyable and safe bushwalking experience, plan ahead and take the following precautions.
When Planning a Bushwalk or Hike
- Always plan your trip carefully in advance.
- Give complete route details of where you are going to close relatives or friends, and when you expect to get back.
- Take your time; set a pace that the slowest member of your party can handle.
- Take appropriate clothing and wear closed footwear – preferably boots or runners. Regardless of the season, always take a windproof/waterproof jacket, and clothing that can keep you warm when wet.
- For any walk of more than a kilometre or so, take extra water, snacks (such as fruit or health bars) and a first aid kit. Insect repellent and a torch can prove to be very useful.
- Check weather forecasts and local park conditions and modify your plans accordingly.
- Always carry a well-equipped first aid kit.
- Never light a campfire on a day of total fire ban