Safety At Home

First Aid

Epileptic Seizures

Signs & symptoms

There are different types of seizures, and signs and symptoms may include the following:

  • suddenly cry out
  • fall to the ground
  • stiffen and lie rigid for a few seconds
  • have jerky, spasmodic muscular movements
  • look very pale and have blue tinged lips
  • have excessive saliva coming out of the mouth
  • sometimes bite the tongue or cheek
  • lose control of bladder and bowels
  • be extremely tired, confused or agitated afterwards.

What to do

During the seizure

1. Do not try to restrain the person.

2. Do not put anything in their mouth.

3. Do not move the person unless in danger.

4. Protect the person from injury by placing something soft under head and shoulders.

5. Record the duration of the seizure.

After the seizure

1. Follow DRSABCD. Check the person’s breathing and response.

2. Place the person in the recovery position as soon as jerking stops, or immediately if they have vomited or have food or fluid in their mouth.

3. Manage any injuries resulting from the seizure.

4. If the person falls asleep do not disturb them (this is normal) but do continue to check their breathing and response.

Call triple zero (000) for an ambulance if:

  • the seizure continues for more than 5 minutes
  • another seizure quickly follows
  • the person has been injured
  • the person is diabetic or is pregnant.


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