National Safe Schools Framework F-1 Values

Safe Schools

Values: student activity

Care for you, care for me!

A great school is a caring school! It is important that we care for our own safety and happiness at school, as well as the safety and happiness of others. How do you care for others at school?

Get ready

You’ll need:

  1. Puppets
  2. ‘Showing we care’ cards
  3. Class ‘Caring for others’ table on interactive whiteboard
Step 1

Think about what it means to care for others. Your ideas may include:

  • Looking after people
  • Helping people in need
  • Helping people to learn
  • Thinking about how your actions might affect others
  • Treating people kindly
  • Helping younger children to do things
  • Considering other people’s feelings
Step 2

Think about the times when we can care for others at school. Write or draw a list of ideas.

  • What words do we use when we are showing that we care for someone?
  • How do we act when we care for someone at school?
Step 3

Look at the gallery of photos. How are people showing that they care for each other?

Step 4

Think and talk about what would happen in each photo if the other people turned away?

Step 5

Choose a partner and take three ‘Showing we care’ cards.

Step 6

Using your puppets, role-play two different actions for each situation: one where you give care to others and one where you do not and walk away.

Step 7

Create a puppet play.

Step 8

Think about your puppet plays.

  • What did it feel like when you cared for others?
  • What did it feel like when you did not care for others?
Step 9

Choose one of your actions and use your puppets to share this with your class.

Step 10

Share your ideas with your class. The class’s ideas will go in the ‘Caring for others’ table.

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