National Safe Schools Framework 5-8 - Relationships

Safe Schools

Relationships: student activity

In it together

Working in teams allows us to meet new friends and share our strengths. We can learn to resolve problems, learn to take risks and practise being a leader. What teams are you a member of at school?

Get ready

You’ll need:

  1. Teams photo gallery
  2. Paper
  3. Rubber bands
  4. Camera (to record videos and images)
  5. Computers with internet.

Activity Steps

Step 1

Write down as many words about teams as you can think of in 30 seconds.

Step 2

As a whole class, create a list of words related to the term ‘teamwork’ and what it means to be part of a team.

Step 3

Explore the photo gallery of students working in teams. What are the different types of teams shown in the photos?

Make a list of characteristics you need to be a successful team member.

Step 4

Take a piece of paper and tear it into four. On each piece write a statement describing why teamwork is important.

Step 5

Make groups of three and choose one of the following roles each:

  • Discussion coordinator: leads the discussion and ensures that everyone feels included
  • Bundler: makes piles of similar statements, bundles them together and labels each bundle
  • Reporter: reports and explains the group’s bundles to the class.

Share your slips of paper with your group. Look for ideas that are similar. Put your similar statements together in bundles secured with a rubber band. Give each bundle a title that links all the ideas together.

Step 6

When you have finished, join the class. Listen to all of the Reporters present their ideas to the class.

Step 7

As a class, put together the ideas of all groups and create a list of the top five characteristics of teamwork.

Step 8

The next task for your group is to make a video that explores the top five elements of teamwork. Plan your video with your group. Share ideas and develop a quick plan.

Step 9

Capture images and video of teamwork in action using a camera.

Step 10

Using an online video tool such as Animoto, create a 30-second video on ‘teamwork’. Include a reflection on the features of teamwork that you have focused on.

Step 11

Share your video with your class and school community.

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