National Safe Schools Framework 2-4 - Values

Safe Schools

Values: student activity

Great expectations

We all play an important role in helping to make our school a safe, caring, respectful and happy place to be. Our school values help us to know which values are important to our school community. Every student has a responsibility to act according to these school values and so behave safely and respectfully in the different areas of the school.

Which of the school’s values do you put into action?

Get ready

You’ll need:

  1. School value statement or National Framework: Nine Values for Australian Schooling
  2. Group expectations matrix (handout 1)
  3. Class expectations matrix (handout 2)

Activity Steps

Step 1

Explore your school’s values with the class.

Step 2

Think about each value and how that value is put into action by different people in the school community.

Step 3

Brainstorm and list ways that we can improve the way we put our school values into action through our behaviour and interactions with others.

Step 4

Look at the Group expectations matrix (handout 1). Think about three areas of positive behaviours that support our school values:

  • Safe actions
  • Respectful actions
  • Responsible actions.
Step 5

As a class, list examples of each of the three types of behaviours that you see at school.

Step 6

Join with two other students to make a group of three, and choose an area within the school to explore with your group (for example, classrooms, the playground, canteen, corridors, school hall, specialist rooms, toilets, library, car pick-up area or an office).

Step 7

Use the Group expectations matrix (handout 1) and think about the different positive actions that both students and staff can show in your particular area. For example, in the library students can show respectful actions by talking quietly and not disturbing others. In the toilets, students can show safe actions by not running around or spilling water on the floor.

Step 8

Discuss and write down as many actions as you can think of for your particular area of the school:

  • Safe actions
  • Respectful actions
  • Responsible actions.
Step 9

Join together as a class and share your group’s ideas. The class can record ideas on the Class expectations matrix (handout 2).

Step 10

Now it’s time to think about how we can each improve our actions to help keep our school a safe, caring and respectful place. Choose five ideas on the Class expectations matrix that you want to focus on and put into your personal positive behaviours action plan.

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