Street Smart

Train Safety

On trains

Try to avoid changing carriages while a train is moving, but if you do need to, always take care.

Never try and force a train door or attempt to get on or off a moving train.

If you feel uncomfortable, move to another carriage. On newer trains you can access Emergency Help Points linked to CCTV cameras and intercoms which allow you to talk to the guard.

Call 000 if there are no Emergency Help Points on the train and the Police will alert our Rail Security Control Centre.

Look after your personal belongings, especially your wallet or purse.

In an emergency

Familiarise yourself with the emergency procedures posted inside the carriage of all trains. In an emergency you should:

  • Move away from danger into another carriage
  • Use Emergency Help Points to alert the guard
  • Listen for instructions from the train crew

In most emergency situations it is safer to remain in the train. Use emergency door releases on newer trains only if immediate evacuation becomes necessary. Go to a safe place off the tracks, but stay nearby so emergency workers can locate you.

There are severe penalties for the misuse of the safety system under the Rail Safety Act. The maximum penalty is a fine of $110,000 or three years imprisonment or both.


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