Street Smart

Train Safety

Travelling at night

Travelling late on Friday and Saturday nights

On Friday and Saturday nights between 15:00 and 06:00, Police Transport Command officers, both high visibility and plain clothed, patrol train, bus, ferry and light rail services as well as stations, stops and wharves to improve security and reduce crime.

Police on bikes along with drug detection dogs are also active across public transport.

Crime hotspots are monitored through an extensive public transport CCTV network of more than 10,000 cameras to provide customers with further peace of mind when travelling at night.

Travel tips

Try to use well-lit, main roads and avoid travelling alone at night.

Make sure that someone knows that you are travelling and if you can, it’s helpful to carry a mobile phone.

On the platform, stand in an area which is brightly lit, covered by CCTV and close to Emergency Help Points.

Sit close to the guard’s compartment indicated with a blue light on the train.

If there are other passengers on the train try to sit near them and not to become isolated.

NightRide buses

Most trains do not operate between midnight and 4.00am. For your convenience a special NightRide bus service is available between these hours. All buses have radio contact with taxi operators and a taxi can be requested to meet you at your destination.

Find out more about NightRide buses.


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