Student Wellbeing Hub
Secondary: Years 7-9
Feeling confident, happy and well at school are features of a safe and supportive school. All schools work to be communities of learners where you can feel safe and develop positive relationships with other students and your teachers. Using the internet can be great fun. You can find useful information and connect to other people your age. However, things can go wrong, so it’s very important to have the skills to protect yourself online.
How to keep healthy and make good lifestyle choices.
Everyone has the right to feel safe and supported at school. You can help make your school a great place to be by building respectful relationships with your fellow students and teachers. When you value diversity and treat everyone equally, your school will become a positive teaching and learning community. Make the most of your experiences at school by keeping healthy and making the best lifestyle choices. Find out more about wellbeing topics here.
Health and Wellness
Find out about mental health issues, like anxiety and depression, and about how peer pressure can influence your choices.
Your wellbeing is all about having positive relationships, being involved in lots of activities and feeling happy and secure about the things that are important to you. When you have enough sleep, eat well and exercise regularly you’ll feel confident about trying new things and building on your personal strengths. Being happy is a key to doing well at school.
Take A Stand Together
Choose your age group to find information about bullying and what to do if you are bullied or know that others are bullied.
You can find Lifeline’s phone and online chat services on this site along with helpful info about mental health issues.
Laws For Social Harmony
Find out about laws in your region that relate to you, like how you use your mobile and life at school. You might be surprised!
Respecting Diversity
Find information here about bullying, racism and disabilities and accepting and valuing all students, including those who seem different to you.
No two people are exactly the same and this diversity makes life interesting. When we respect and value all people, even if they are very different to us, we add to each person’s feeling of belonging. This means that we can all feel safe and cared for at school.
Kick Starting Your Safe School
This guide outlines eight simple ideas to get started in creating an inclusive safe school.
Headspace: Bullying
Find out more information about bullying and what you can do about it.
People of all ages can be affected by a disability. Learn how disabilities affect our lives and how those with them can find help.
Responsible Choices
Get some important information here about drugs and alcohol, sexual health, bullying and legal issues.
New experiences are great, and important to your becoming independent. However, you can sometimes be confronted when making choices. It’s important to know how to make the right decisions about potentially risky things that your friends might want you to do.
Alcohol And Drug Facts
The Positive Choices Student portal contains games, fact sheets and guides to help you learn about alcohol and other drugs.
Drug Awareness
This site gives you information about drugs and how they can effect you. It has links to other useful sites.
Against Bullying
Find all sorts of information about bullying.
Learn how to keep safe and enjoy your time online.
The internet is a big part of our everyday lives. We can quickly and easily find useful information, connect to social networking and have access to a wide range of entertainment possibilities. This all leads to exciting new ways to learn and to socialise. Digital literacy means using all aspects of new digital technologies effectively and safely. Along with the internet’s great benefits come its challenges. It is very important to have the skills to protect ourselves against potential risks when we’re online. Find more about online safety here.
Digital Identity
Find some pointers about creating a positive and respectful online identity and keeping your personal details private and secure.
It’s important that you create a positive picture of yourself as the person you want others to interact with online. How you behave online defines your digital reputation and this can affect your friendships. It’s almost impossible to erase your digital reputation, so learning how to protect it is very important for now and the future.
Be Deadly Online
Be Deadly Online uses fun animations by Indigenous writers and voice actors to explore how we want to behave together online.
Protect Your Online Identity
This website has fact sheets, guides and advice about protecting your online identity and what to do if something goes wrong.
Digital Citizenship And You
Listen as Zach Marks explains the importance of being a good digital citizen.
Cyberbullying can have serious emotional consequences. Learn more about these and about Australia’s laws relating to cyberbullying.
Cyberbullying is a serious issue and can even be a crime. Digital technology can be used to intentionally hurt and torment someone through social media sites, text messages or online games. This can make us feel anxious or depressed so it’s very important to learn how to deal with cyberbullying and how to make sure you don’t fall into the trap of disrespecting others online.
Cybersmart Access
You can play some fun games to learn about cybersafety.
Broken Friendship
You can lose more than a friend when you reveal your password.
To Send Or Not To Send
Take this online True or False quiz to test how much you know about sharing photos online.
Responsible Online Choices
Find out about making safe choices when sharing personal information online, and learn when your online behavious might be putting you at risk.
Play the game on the Budd:e Primary or Secondary website to learn more about keeping safe online.
Caught In The Web
Watch this story about what can happen when you make poor internet choices. Learn how to keep safe online.
Stop That Post Again!
Play this game to help your friends and family learn more about the risks of sharing too much online.