Student Wellbeing Hub
Secondary: Years 10-12
Your sense of wellbeing comes from feeling respected and valued by others in the school community. You have a part to play in accepting diversity and developing positive relationships with your peers and teachers.
Safety is also an important factor in maintaining an effective learning environment. A key component of this is learning the skills to navigate the digital world.
Find out how to keep healthy and make good lifestyle choices.
We all have the right to feel safe and supported at school. You have an important role to play in helping make your school a great place to be by building respectful relationships with your peers and teachers. Valuing diversity and treating everyone equally results in a positive teaching and learning community. Make the most of your experiences at school by keeping healthy and making good lifestyle choices. Find out more about wellbeing topics here.
Health and Wellness
Find out about mental health issues, like anxiety and depression, and about how peer pressure can influence your choices.
Nothing beats the feeling of being fit and healthy. Sensible eating and exercising have enormous benefits, especially for your success at school and beyond. Activity can increase your energy levels and a balanced diet can boost your capacity to handle stress and anxiety.
Teen Health 12-17
This is a good place to find answers to questions about a range of topics related to drugs and alcohol, relationships and health.
Headspace: Alcohol And Drugs
Discover the facts about alcohol and drugs and how these can affect your health.
Laws For Social Harmony
Find out about laws in your region that relate to you, like how you use your mobile and life at school. You might be surprised!
Respecting Diversity
Find information here about bullying, racism and disabilities and accepting and valuing all students, including those who seem different to you.
Valuing and respecting diversity is central if people are to have feelings of self-worth and belonging. A safe and supportive learning environment is enhanced when all members feel cared for and valued.
Kick Starting Your Safe School
This guide outlines eight simple ideas to get started in creating an inclusive safe school.
Headspace: Bullying
Find out more information about bullying and what you can do about it.
People of all ages can be affected by a disability. Learn how disabilities affect our lives and how those with them can find help.
Responsible Choices
Get some important information here about drugs and alcohol, sexual health, bullying and legal issues.
Our digital identity is the total image of ourselves we show to others online. As it is almost impossible to erase, we need to know how to make responsible choices about the way we behave online. This includes the language we use, the things we upload and how we maintain respectful relationships with others online.
Alcohol And Drug Facts
The Positive Choices Student portal contains games, fact sheets and guides to help you learn about alcohol and other drugs.
Illegal Drugs
Discover facts about illegal drugs and find advice on how to get help if it is needed.
Laws For Social Harmony
Find out about laws in your region that relate to you, like how you use your mobile and life at school. You might be surprised!
Learn how to keep safe and enjoy your time online.
The internet is an integral part of our life. We use it for quickly and easily locating useful information, connecting to social networking and accessing a wide range of entertainment possibilities. New online technologies offer exciting opportunities for learning and socialising. Digital literacy means being able to use all aspects of new technologies effectively and safely, so you have the skills to protect yourself against potential risks when you are online. Find more about online safety here.
Digital Identity
Many people now manage several digital identities. Find out more about how to create and protect a secure online identity.
None of us could imagine life without the internet, but along with this right to explore all that it offers comes the responsibility of maintaining our digital reputation. Our digital identity is almost impossible to erase, so it’s important to learn how to protect and maintain both our own and those of others.
Report Online Grooming
Discover how to report an adult who is intending to establish a sexual relationship with someone under 16 via the internet.
Two Kinds Of Stupid
Watch this animation to discover what happens to your reputation when you post inappropriate pictures online.
Disrespecting Others Online
Listen to this true story about the repercussions of posting hurtful comments online.
Cyberbullying can have serious emotional consequences. Learn more about the laws in Australia relating to cyberbullying.
The internet is a virtual world that reflects all the behaviours existing in the real world. We all know that in that world, just as in the real one, there are bullies who are intent on hurting others socially, psychologically or even physically. Awareness of these behaviours and of the steps you can take to protect yourself ensures that you have positive online experiences.
Rethink Before You Type
This TEDxTeen talk explores the causes and impact of cyberbullying.
Broken Friendship
You can lose more than a friend when you reveal your password.
To Send Or Not To Send
Take this online True or False quiz to test how much you know about sharing photos online.
Responsible Online Choices
Learn about making safe choices relating to potentially risky online behaviours, such as revealing passwords or arranging to meet online friends in person.
Our digital identity is all about the online person we show to others. That identity is almost impossible to erase, so we need to know how to make responsible choices about how we behave online. This includes the language we use, the things we upload and how we maintain respectfully relationships with others.
Sex, Relationships And The Internet
Sex, relationships, and being online: these can be a tricky mix. Find good tips about what to do if things get out of control.
Napcan: Sexting Definitions
How much do you know about sexting and the law? Is what you or your friends are doing okay? Get the facts and be prepared.
Attitude Overdrive
This video explores what happens when internet gaming gets out of hand.