Student Wellbeing Hub
Primary: Years 5-6
Feeling confident and happy at school and knowing how to protect yourself online are very important in a safe and supportive school. All schools work to make school a place where you can feel safe, make strong friendships and get on well with your teachers and the whole school community. Using the internet can be great. You can find useful information and can connect to other people your age. However, things can go wrong, so it’s very important to protect yourself by learning how to be safe online.
Find out how to be a good friend and keep healthy.
It’s important to feel happy and safe at school. You can help make your school a happy and safe place by being a reliable friend and by treating everyone with respect. Your teachers can help you to understand that everyone should feel safe and not feel frightened about bullying or violence. Staying healthy also helps you to be happy at school. Feeling safe and healthy will help you to get on with people and learn better. Find out more about wellbeing topics here.
Being a Good Friend
Learn more about the importance of buddies and friends, and about accepting people who seem different to you.
What would we do without friends? Everyone needs friends to share things with and to make us feel secure. Without friends we can feel very isolated and unhappy. It’s important to make and keep friends so that everyone at school feels safe and happy.
Difference Differently
Diversity makes life interesting, but being different can also be challenging. Explore this site to learn more about diversity.
Racism. No Way!
Learn how Australia supports harmony. Hear histories of First Australians and tales of those coming to Australia as refugees.
Laws For Social Harmony
Find out about laws in your region that relate to you, like how you use your mobile and life at school. You might be surprised!
Keeping Healthy
Find out about your feelings and emotions.
We all know that eating healthy foods and doing regular exercise can lead to many benefits. Staying fit and healthy increases your energy and happiness. It can even help you enjoy school and learn better.
Bullying And Cyberbullying Help
This site shows you where to go for help. It includes contact details for Kids Helpline, Lifeline and child protection.
Kids’ Health
Explore this site to find out about some important topics like health, homework, pets and relationships.
Kids Helpline
Do you sometimes feel tense or worried? Need help? This site has lots of information to help you.
Here you will find Information about bullying and racism.
Everyone has the right to feel safe and secure at school. Bullying behaviour has no place in a safe school as it makes us feel anxious and frightened. You can make a difference by learning ways to stop this unacceptable behaviour so that your school is a safe and supportive place.
Against Bullying
Find all sorts of information about bullying.
Bully Stoppers: Primary
Find all sorts of information about bullying.
Take A Stand Together
Choose your age group to find information about bullying and what to do if you are bullied or know that others are bullied.
Learn how to keep safe on the internet
Using the internet is a big part of our everyday lives. You can quickly and easily find useful information, connect to other kids your age and have a lot of fun with different entertainment possibilities. It’s important to learn how to get the most out of all the exciting new technologies. The internet has great benefits but things can go wrong, so you need to understand the risks and have the skills to protect yourself when you are online. Find more about online safety here.
Here you will find information about how to handle cyberbullying and where you can report issues.
The internet is a great place to have fun, connect with people around the world and find all kinds of information. But not everyone plays fair, and sometimes cyberbullies use the internet and make you feel sad or scared. You can learn how to deal with cyberbullies so you can enjoy your time online.
Play the game on the Budd:e Primary or Secondary website to learn more about keeping safe online.
Follow this detective to learn about cyberbullying.
Webonauts Internet Academy
Learn the rules of using the internet safely and respectfully.
Keeping Safe Online
Learn about the risks of sharing too much when you are online, and about how you can protect your computer.
The internet is a great place for bringing the world to your doorstop. You can watch videos, find information about all kinds of things and even make friends from anywhere on the planet! But it’s very important to keep yourself and your computer safe from people who might want to do harm.
Caught In The Web
Watch this story about what can happen when you make poor internet choices. Learn how to keep safe online.
Super Digital Citizen
Watch this cartoon to find out why we all need to be super digital citizens to be safe and respectful online.
Cybersafety Information
This site provides information, videos and games about cybersafety.
Being Responsible Online
Learn more about what is safe to share online, and about sending the ‘right’ kind of text messages.
The internet is an amazing tool that is used by lots of people at the same time. We can talk, send messages, photos and even videos to our friends. We need to make sure that we behave in a respectful way when we use the internet, just like we do at school and at home. We need to make good choices about the things we do online so that everyone feels safe.
Power Of Words
Watch this video about what happens if you receive online messages that make you feel sad or angry, or send them to someone else.
Mindful Messaging
Do you have a mobile phone? This video shows what could happen when you send the wrong messages.
Think you know all about being online? Watch how some students get into difficult situations and make some poor decisions.