NSW Police Legacy

NSW Police Legacy is the NSW Police Force Charity.
Our commitment is to build on the care and support of over 20,000 serving and retired police officers and their families during times of tragedy and need.
Initially founded to support bereaved families following the loss of their loved one, our support now extends to include police officers and their families experiencing challenging times in their lives. Our police family has grown to include not only families suffering from loss and grief, but those experiencing misfortune that require extra support.
NSW Police Legacy honour the history and proud traditions of the NSW Police Force. We embrace the camaraderie and unique bond shared across the police family and take pride in providing compassionate, continuous and long term support in the best interest of those whose care we have been entrusted.
You can donate to by clicking here or by direct deposit into the following account; Account Name: NSW Police Legacy, BSB: 815 000, Acc no: 45666 (S1)
Our Vision
A strong and compassionate charity that supports police and their families in our care to ensure that they thrive in times of tragedy and need.
Our Mission
- To support all police families who have suffered a loss by providing professional, caring and compassionate services,
- To provide benefits, services and advocacy to those in our care,
- To recognise the unique role of police, both serving and retired in the community, and the risks associated with the role; and
- To conduct charitable business in a transparent and ethical manner in the best interest of those whose care we have been entrusted.
Our Values
Police Legacy:
- Honours the history and proud traditions of the NSW Police Force, police and their families, in particular, those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.
- Takes pride in providing compassionate, continuous and long term support to the people in our care.
- Embraces the camaraderie and unique bond shared across the police family.
- To conduct charitable business in a transparent and ethical manner in the best interest of those whose care we have been entrusted.
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