KIDS 8-12: Playing Online Games
Internet SafetyPlaying games online can be great fun, but you need to be careful about how much you play and who you play with. You should limit your game play time so you can still do other things like homework, jobs around the house and hanging out with your friends.
It’s always best to use a nickname when you are using gaming sites, rather than give out your real name. Some people who you meet online may not be who they say they are. Remember not to give people you meet on the gaming sites information about yourself.
If you are unsure whether a game is suitable, ask your parents or a trusted adult to check its classification and reviews for you.
If another player is behaving badly or making you uncomfortable, you can block them from your players list. You may also be able to report them to the game site operator.
It’s important to remember that it is only a game, and sometimes you will win and sometimes you will lose. There is nothing wrong with losing – with lots of practice you will get better.
Paying for games
Many games on the internet are free and are fun to play with your friends and family. Other games you may need to pay for to access additional levels or features. Many of these games look similar to casino games like poker or pokies. You often find these games in advertisements on websites, as apps in social networking sites or as pop up messages while you are playing another game online. Playing gambling games is illegal if you are under 18 years of age.
[st_box title=”TIPS” type=”info”]- If you are not sure whether a game is a gambling game, ask your mum or dad or another trusted adult for help.
- If a game asks you for money to play extra levels, check with mum or dad or another trusted adult.
- Make sure you know what you are getting for your money and if you are allowed to pay for these games.